Why Karma Matters
Series on the intricacies and relevance of the Buddhist view of karma.

Thursdays, February 18 to March 18, 2021
6:00 to 7:30 PM USA Mountain time
Explore the Buddhist view of karmic cause and effect in this five-week course based on "Karma: What It Is, What It Isn't, Why It Matters, by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche."
Feb 18 | Karma: Generally and in Buddhism
Introduction & Chapters 1-2
Feb 25 | Karma, Mind, and the Bardo
Chapters 3-4
Mar 04 | Karma, Emptiness, and the Meaning of Life
Chapters 5-6
Mar 11 | Karma, Rebirth, and Ethical Living
Chapters 7-8
Mar 18 | Karma: Science and Practice
Chapters 9-10 & Conclusion
Subject to availability and interest, Yeshe and Zopa will offer participants completing the series the option to participate in an online weekend cloister (usually translated "retreat") after the series ends.
The program would run from a Friday evening to Monday morning in late March or early April, and includes instructions for individual cloister, daily group guided meditation based on the material from the series, and three daily structured individual practice sessions. Attendance at all sessions and keeping strict personal cloister boundaries required for the weekend cloister program.
More details available after the start of this series. Please indicate your interest and availability during registration below,
At the request of our supporters, the comparable value of each program is listed as a benchmark for making a dana offering.
The choice to offer dana as suitable for your circumstances is in your hands. If you are able to offer the comparable value and beyond, you have our enduring gratitude.
If not, you are most welcome to attend on terms you consider suitable for your circumstances. Use the coupon codes available at checkout to select your dana offering, including full scholarship.
Online and traditional options are available at checkout.
All offered funds support our Dharma work and keep our offerings accessible, despite the wealth inequities built into our society.
We are glad to offer our programs as a reciprocal practice of generosity, and hope this approach provides both freedom and helpful information for all our supporters.
May there be abundant benefit, always and in all ways, for all that lives!
comparable value

Only one session may be booked at a time. Please return to this page to schedule additional sessions.